
Best Idea Win In Strong Companies, Politics Win In Weak Companies

"Politics win in weak companies; the best idea wins in strong companies." It is well known in the field of…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)

Jesus Never Cultivated A Personal Brand In Shepherding The Flock

Shepherding The Flock: Moving Beyond Corporate Models In Church Leadership As we progress in the 21st-century work of Ministry, it…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)

The Truth Does Not Require Your Approval Or Acceptance

Truth is said to exist irrespective of our thoughts or opinions because it stands alone and does not require your…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)
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