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Your Church Or Your Bishop Cannot Be Your Covering And Can’t Save You
SOLA SCRIPTURA Sola Scriptura is a theological doctrine that asserts that the…
The Charismatic and Pentecostal Church In Africa Would Soon Experience a Protestant Reformation
The notion that "words not matching actions is called manipulation, and refusing…
Manipulation For Financial Gain In The Church Is Akin To Witchcraft And Divination-Part One
It is in direct opposition to genuine biblical theology for church leaders,…
Beware Of Unbiblical Practices In The Body of Christ
let's be cautious of, the potential dangers or risks in practices that…
When A Church Turns Into A Sole Proprietor Or Friends/Family Business
A church is typically registered as a company limited by guarantee, as…
The Scent of Misplaced Prophecies By Some Prophets In Africa
It seems that some prophets in Africa are being given prophecies these…
The Way We Killed A Man Who Was Driven By A Strong Desire To Address The “Biblical Ignorance Of The Priests
The Way We Killed Tyndale Who Was Driven By A Strong Desire…
Identification And Disclosure of Mammon Spirit In The Church
Money has a peculiar way of motivating people. It can lead intelligent…
Manipulation For Financial Gain In The Church Is Akin To Witchcraft And Divination
It is in direct opposition to genuine biblical theology for church leaders,…
An Age-Old, Potent Force Capable of Destroying Societies, Politicians, Pastors, Relationships And Women
A Man Consumed By Greed Can Never Be His Brother's Keeper. In…