Latest Leadership News
Jesus Never Cultivated A Personal Brand In Shepherding The Flock
Shepherding The Flock: Moving Beyond Corporate Models In Church Leadership As we…
Everyone Isn’t Replaceable. Be Careful How You Deal With Good People
Everyone isn't replaceable. Be careful how you deal with good people" emphasizes…
Life’s Ups And Downs Frequently Present Unnoticed Chances For Development And Change
The Parable of the Chinese farmer: Once upon a time, there was…
Relationship Door, Carefully and Tactfully Shut It
Each other is essential to life. Your next-door neighbor can be the…
The Model Of Ministry Is Jesus Christ, Not A Corporation Or A Man
Following Jesus Christ, not a company or a man, is the model…
Self Aggrandizement Of Church Leadership
Self-promotion among church leaders is a long-standing problem that has generated considerable…
The Scent of Insincere Leadership of a Church
“So you also outwardly appear righteous to others, but within you are…
Don’t Worship Mere Mortals like your Archbishop or General Overseer
We must desist from eulogizing mere mortals like Arch Bishop, Prophet, General…
A Crab is A crab
A crab is a crab and cannot be described in anyway other…
Restart, reset, and refocus. But don’t you dare give up on your dreams
In life, we frequently encounter obstacles and disappointments that might cause us…