
”No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the streams of life

This saying, sometimes credited to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, highlights the significance of taking personal responsibility for overcoming obstacles in…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)

A Crab is A crab

A crab is a crab and cannot be described in anyway other than a crab. A crab placed alone in…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)

The Model Of Ministry Is Jesus Christ, Not A Corporation Or A Man

Following Jesus Christ, not a company or a man, is the model of ministry. It's important to keep in mind…

E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev) E.A. Randolph-Koranteng (Rev)
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