Latest Personal News
Evil Men Don’t Understand Justice
Proverbs 28:5 says that "those who seek the LORD fully understand justice,…
Giving In The Church Must Not Be Done Like A Lottery
Tithing or Giving in the Church is not gambling. It is not…
Some People Can Be In Your Heart, But Not In Your Life Anymore
The idea that "some people can be in your heart but not…
Stop Boasting. You Own Nothing And You Lose Nothing
Give up bragging. You don't have anything to lose or possess. Boasting…
Life’s Ups And Downs Frequently Present Unnoticed Chances For Development And Change
The Parable of the Chinese farmer: Once upon a time, there was…
The Truth Does Not Require Your Approval Or Acceptance
Truth is said to exist irrespective of our thoughts or opinions because…
Relationship Door, Carefully and Tactfully Shut It
Each other is essential to life. Your next-door neighbor can be the…
We Need To Strike A Balance Between Obedience And Critical Thinking
To avoid falling for religious or political scams, it's imperative to strike…
”No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the streams of life
This saying, sometimes credited to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, highlights the significance…
Self Aggrandizement Of Church Leadership
Self-promotion among church leaders is a long-standing problem that has generated considerable…