No Matter How Good You Are, There Will Always Be One Person Who Hates You Without Cause
The saying that "No matter how good you are, there will always be one who hates you without cause" draws attention to a fundamental fact about relationships and human nature.…
When You Destroy Someone’s Life With Lies, Take It As A Loan; It Will Come Back To You With Interest.
Deception and dishonesty have serious effects, as evidenced by the saying, "When you destroy someone's life with lies, take it as a loan; it will come back to you with…
Read This Book Before You Go Into Full-Time Ministry Under An African Leader. Zeal Without Knowledge Is Suicidal
Book Title : Answering The Call into Full-Time Ministry. Written by Rev Edward Randolph-Koranteng it is on Amazon. you may click the link below:
After the rain stops, everyone finds using an umbrella a burden
After the rain stops, everyone finds using an umbrella a burden. When benefits stop, that's how loyalty expires. --- *The Temporal Nature of Loyalty* Mutual gain and loyalty are frequently…
Nobody Respects A Rag Until Their Shoes Are Dirty
Nobody respects a rag until their shoes are dirty.” Don't cry when someone looks down on you or rejects you. Before cooking the beans, the woman would choose the "useless"…
Broken Crayons Still Do Colour
Never quit, because everyone who is successful has had a difficult journey. It is only a question of time, so don't be envious of others. A school bell that sounds…
Delusion Of Self Grandeur
The delusion of self-grandeur is a state of mind an individual believes themselves to be superior, more important, or more talented than they actually are. This false of grandeur can…
Beware Of Divination And Sorcery In The Church
Beware of Divination and Sorcery in the Church* The Bible warns against engaging in divination and sorcery, as it is considered an abomination to the Lord. Those who practice such…
Beware Of Unbiblical Practices In The Body of Christ
let's be cautious of, the potential dangers or risks in practices that lack sound Biblical Doctrine in some churches. Indeed any Church that will allow practices that are not subject…
Be Careful Who You Trust For Salt And Sugar Look The Same
Time always exposes what you truly mean to someone. (Ask any former senator, parliamentarian, presidential candidate, Business Owner or head pastor.) Be careful who you trust because salt and sugar…